JPA-based Spring Boot with Docker Database that contains snapshot data

Spring boot jpa with dockerized snapshot data

This example demonstrates a spring data JPA-based Spring Boot setup which is backed up by Docker Database images. The images will contain initial data to ease up local development or to easily initiate any staging environment.

The core dependencies of the example are as follows:

  • Spring Boot 2.5.0
  • Spring 5.3.7
  • Hibernate 5.4.31.Final
  • PostgreSQL driver 42.2.20
  • MySQL connector 8.0.25 (Alternative Database Option)

We are going to follow the listed steps throughout this example:

  1. Introduce PostgreSQL database as the default database to the application
  2. Create and run a PostgreSQL docker image backed by initial data
  3. Add entities and repositories to the application
  4. Test the initial setup
  5. Introduce MySQL database as a secondary database option to the application
  6. Create and run a MySQL docker image backed by initial data
Continue reading “JPA-based Spring Boot with Docker Database that contains snapshot data”

Java Local Variable Type Inference

Java 10 Local Variable Type Inference
Java 10 – Local variable type inference


Once written, a code block is definitely read more than it’s modified. Given this fact, it’s important to leave it as readable as it can be for future readers. Therefore, the Java team introduced a new feature called “Local Variable Type Inference” in Java 10 to help the developers further with this fact.

The feature is introduced with JEP 286. Let’s take a look at the excerpt from the goal section of the JEP.

We seek to improve the developer experience by reducing the ceremony associated with writing Java code, while maintaining Java’s commitment to static type safety, by allowing developers to elide the often-unnecessary manifest declaration of local variable types

JEP 286: Local-Variable Type Inference
Continue reading “Java Local Variable Type Inference”